Como siempre hace falta un marcador, y no tienes siempre algo que valga por ello, me hice esta pequeña peana para indicar el turno actual.
El trabajo es bien sencillo, despues de dibujar letras en papel hasta encontrar un diseño que me gustase la recorté en cartón, una pieza de las que tapan los blisters me valió, y luego la arreglé con masilla gris.
As a marker is something you always need, and not always there is something to take it's place, I made this small base to indicate the current turn.
This is a simple job, after drawing characters in a paper until I found a nice design it was just cutting it on cardboard, for that I used one of the pieces on the back of a blister, and then what was left was fixing it with a bit with grey putty.
El problema es que al humedecerse se empezó a estropear el cartón, aunque con un poco de superglue se endurece facilmente. También dió problemas la masilla gris, porque aunque deja resultados muy lisos no pega bien. Con el próximo marcador, el de re-roll, probaré a usar plasticard y masilla verde, a ver que tal funciona.
The problem is that when it got wet the cardboard started to get ruined, but with a bit of superglue it's easy to harden again. The grey putty also gave a few problems, because it may leave smooth results but not always stays on it's place. With the next marker, the re-roll one, I'll try plasticard and green putty, to see how it works.
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